
Internal open-source software

Code developed by yours truly. Feel free to become a contributor!

Toolbox for extracting tuning curves using a novel information theory approach, extract manifolds, model and decode neural activity,... all this using a simple and reproducible parametric approach that supports single session, batch processing, and open file standards!

Code (and companion paper) to decode behavior from microendoscopic calcium imaging recordings

Pipeline to process, register, and extract data from calcium imaging recordings

Notebook to process, register, and extract data from calcium imaging (cloud support via Google Colab). Includes a pretrained model for deep learning analysis of behavior

External open-source software

Code developed by others that I strongly recommend checking out!

Awesome suite to simulate animal exploration and associated neural representations! Very well written and easy to modulate/augment for use cases.

A classic, deep-learning tool to track animal poses (individual limbs). 

A Python toolbox for extracting calcium and voltage imaging video in 1- and 2-photon setups.